Hosting NGO
CYA (Cambodian Youth Action)
Contact person
SORN Sophat, President
Project Place
Kampot province, Cambodia
Remark for Period
3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01 and 09/01 is possible. Open to 2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.
Local/ social situation/ needs for the project
Education is the most important aspect for the developments of Cambodia where 70% of population are under 30 years old, therefore to educate youth is the immediate action needed. According to our work experience with communities in 4 provinces, we have found that many Cambodian young people drop off school in very early age, after primary school. Angkor Chey is one of the communities where there are a big percentage of young people drop off school to look for job in urban area or neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. Many of them are migrated illegally to those countries and they are end up in prison or back to their communities becoming drug users. It’s a very serious situation for the community now, but they have no choice as their families are poor and need support from them but instead they only can make the family situation getting worse. On the other hand, the community is now
left behind elderly people and children. To improve the situation of this community, CYA is going to cooperate with local people, local authority and all partners around the world to create a CYA-Learning Center where education is considered as an important aspect for community development, specific skills will be trained to local people for generating income and job will be created in this community. CYA-Learning Center is taking our first step for building a better future of our children and teenagers in this village by building our first alternative school to provide language classes, library and E-learning center to enable them to free access to education. As for now, our building is completed, language classes are started and new building is now ready to equip all books and computers for the next step. We are now in need of your support for providing our library with books and and our E-learning Center computers so that we can start everything at one.
Name and description of the local host
This is the second CYA’s project which everything is organized and manage by CYA staff members with cooperation from local people and authorities.
Aims and expected impact of the project
To educate youth in Cambodia/ To promote global education among Cambodian youth/ To bring back lives to local community/ To re-connect people to community lives/ To prevent illegal migration of young people. We are expected that by 2016, we will be able to privide children and teenagers in this surrounding area languages classes, library, computer center, and able to conduct an environmental course «Eco-village Design Education» for local and international people with technical support from Gaia Education Network.
Main voluntary work
- Education work: Teaching English, Arts and Sanitation to local children and teenagers
- Manual work: They will help the construction workers to build or construct the path to the village, paint and draw on the new building wall and join other local activities such local ceremony, celebration and so on.
- Approximate working hours: 5-6 hours x 5 days in a week.
Type of building: CYA-home stay
- Sleeping: Sharing with other vols.
- Meals: Cooked by locals
- How and how long to go to work: 3 minutes work from accommodation
- Smoking: ?
- Internet access: ?
It is located in a rural village where most of the time temperature is above 30 C but fortunately, we have planty of three and the north and the south-west wind is blowing all the time that make the admosphere cooler. Cambodia has two main season dry season and rainy season. In the rainy season, the temperature a bit cooler but sometimes it has a heavy rain. People here in this village are Budhism so there are several Budhist temples around the area and all of them are farmers which is planting rice during rainy season.
- Nearest international airport: Phnom Penh International Airport
- Transportation from the capital or other major city: From Phnom Penh capital, we have several bus companies passed by our camp site and some bus companies are alread known our project site just tell them that you are CYA volunteers
Other activities
We have one genocide area left from Khmer rough regime and several Budhist temples so that during their free time, volunteers can visit. They can also freely join local celebration such harvesting ceremony which normally organise in February, and other events. There are also several valleyball court so they also can join and play with local teenagers.
Qualification for volunteers
Required: Only motivation of being together with kids and teenagers in a rural village. The presence of the volr. is very helpful to local for enlarging their dream and see the world better. English is a language using by all volunteers, so your English ability is also important.
Attraction for volunteers
Living and working together with multi-nationalities is the best way to learn and understand the differences of one another I am sure this will be a life time experience for all volunteers. They will also able to make more international friends where all travellers are looking to have it. More than that, living and working in a place you never know, new people, different condition can enhance the volunteer their adaptation skill in their life and it might also help them to find their true way of life as well.
Financial condition
Participation fee to the host NGO: 1,200 US$ for 3 months (400 US$ per month)
- On arrival training: In both CYA office and the project site for 3 days to oriente volunteers about the work, area and other important info. for living condition and way of life in Cambodia.
- Special care during Project: CYA staff or member will be together with volunteers for the entired project and time to time our office staff will travel and visit them to check the situation.
- Evaluation meeting: Mid term and final evaluation to share vols.’ knowledge, experience and skills they get with university students and other stakeholder in Phnom Penh the capital.
Other remarks
We are keen to make this first AVS a fruitful and remarkable project with all your motivated volunteers and provide them a wonderful life time experience and unforgettable friendship with local people and volunteers. We are looking forward to start this new ara of AVS!