Hosting NGO
FSL (Field Services and intercultural Learning)
Contact person
Rohan D’Souza, Director
Project Place
Kundapur, Karnataka state. It is a town situated on the coastline of the south Indian state of Karnataka, close to the Western Ghats (a mountain ridge).
Local/ social situation/ needs for the project
Since 2005, FSL has been implementing a range of self-initiated and self-funded Home Based Projects (HBP) in Kundapur. The Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP) is one such project under FSL India’s HBP initiative. For information about our programs and activities, please visit our website Vision of SAP: To evolve a model of sustainable agriculture for sustainable livelihood Mission of SAP: To demonstrate all sustainable agriculture practices to evolve a model for the benefit of the farming community through involving National and international volunteer and local community.
Name and description of the local host
FSL was established in India in 2000 with the support of various international organizations. It is a non-profit, charitable, social and independent NGO with the main objective of promoting Global Understanding/Inter-cultural learning and to work for togetherness to promote World Peace through Youth Mobility. FSL-India is registered under the Indian Trust Act and is not inclined to any political or religious groups and is structured with a constituency-based network. It is a partner of various International organizations and prominent networks like Alliance, NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia), YAP (Youth Action for Peace) and CCIVSUNESCO (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service).
Aims and expected impact of the project
- To provide an opportunity for international volunteer to understand and experience sustainable agriculture practices of the local area.
- To demonstrate different sustainable practices for creating awareness for the trainees of the centre and the community.
- To generate enough Farm produce to meet the requirement of the centre.
- To integrate different farming systems for efficient use of conservation and management of Natural resources.
- To revive, conserve and highlight the benefits of the traditional practices, local germplasm.
- To replicate the sustainable Agriculture practice in around the villages.
Main voluntary work
SAP has 8 major components as below. Vols. will be engaged in any of them;
- Base line Survey, Mapping & planning (Topographic survey/ Soil Analysis/ Treatment map)
- Pooling information on sustainable Agriculture practices (Net searching/ Exposure visit/ Training/ Collection of books/ Organising workshop)
- Conservation of Natural resources (Soil& water conservation – Trench cum bunding, farm pond, gully plugging, fodder promotion, waste weir, stone bunding, Nalabund, pit digging and filling/ Live hedge fencing/ Plantation – Fruit and forestry)
- Implementation of sustainable Agriculture practices (Crop cultivation – ploughing, sowing, weeding, plant protection, harvesting/ Composting – NADEF, Vermi composting/ Azolla cultivation, Kitchen garden/ Animal rearing – Poultry, goat, cattle, rabbit, bee keeping, etc. / Fishery, Floriculture, Bio pesticide making/ Medicinal plants cultivation/ Nursery management/ Conducting training and awareness in the villages around the centre.
- Maintenance and management (After care, basin making, watering, pruning, protection, etc.)
- Post harvest practices (Threshing, cleaning)
- Documentation (Local Traditional practices)
- Evaluation (Developing system , taking up evaluation)
- Approximate working hours: 09:00-14:00 x 5 days in a week
Type of building: Training center. FSL India has recently completed the construction of this with its Regional Office. The center can accommodate up to 60 participants and has conference hall, kitchen and dining facilities.
- Sleeping: Sharing with other vols.
- Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals
- How and how long to go to work: The project site is located where the volunteers will stay.
- Smoking: Only outside building
- Internet access: Wifi is available
The Western Ghats is India’s prime zone for bio-diversity, known for its variety of animal and plant species in the region. Kundapur is also described as the “town of the sun”. The Portuguese settled here in the 16th century and built a fort. A well-built redoubt constructed by Haidar Ali commands the entrance to the river. After the fall of Tipu Sultan in 1799, the town was taken over by the British. There was once a tank of fresh water near the town in which was bred a special type of fish said to have been exclusively reserved for Tipu Sultan. Taluk of Kundapur is well blessed with more rivers than any other Taluk of South Kanara. It has also a 45 km long sea coast on the western side extending up to its northern boundary. The bridge at Gangolli is the longest in the district. The Kundapur Taluk has played a significant role in evolving the Yakshagana dance-drama of the northern school known as Badagutittu. A blend of culture, religion and ethnicity is represented here. They built their settlements in various locations in plains, coastal plateau, hills and mountainous areas. They converse with each other in different languages. However, Kananda language is spoken by majority and they also speak in other languages like Malayalam, Hindi, etc. Although Hinduism is the most prevalent religion, there are only a handful of tribes of Karnataka who have adept to religions like Islam and Christianity. Several other communities of Karnataka possess their distinct tradition and ethnicity. They communicate in their local dialect and also maintain their own tradition. Some of them are also reckoned as being originated from the warrior race.
- Nearest international airport: Bangalore International Airport
- Transportation from the capital or other major city: From Bangalore, Kundapur is about 420 km, 10 hour overnight journey by bus. There are many government and privates buses from Bangalore to Kundapur and the cost of an a/c luxury bus is Rupees 750 (10 Euros).
Other activities
Opportunity to engage in the other HBP’s of FSL India like Environment Education and Tent school project. The volunteer will have free time on Saturdays and Sundays and there are several places of historical and cultural interest near Kundapur.
Qualification for volunteers
- Required: Basic knowledge of Sustainable Agriculture practices and an interest in Natural Resource Management. Open mind to learn new skills. Willing to experience joy of farming and to work closely with soil, water, vegetation. No special skill required.
- Preferable: Must be physically fit to work in the field.
Attraction for volunteers
- To understand and experience sustainable agriculture practices of the local area.
- To demonstrate different sustainable practices for creating awareness for the trainees of the centre and the community.
- To integrate different farming systems for efficient use of conservation and management of Natural resources.
- To revive, conserve and highlight the benefits of the traditional practices, local germplasm.
- To replicate the sustainable Agriculture practice in around the villages.
Financial condition
Participation fee to the host NGO: 750 Euro for 3 months (250 Euros per month)
- On arrival training: For a week at the FSL regional center in Kundapur
- Special care during Project: SAP is a part of FSL’s Home Based Project (HBP), which is a self-funded project implemented by full time staff of FSL. The volunteer will work closely with our HBP staff in implementing the various activities of SAP. A Quarterly Plan will be prepared for the volunteer which will be further broken down into monthly and weekly plans.
- Evaluation meeting: For 2 days at the FSL regional center in Kundapur