VIN organized Camp leader/ local volunteers training in June 2019 from 23-26 in its seminar hall Kathmandu. VIN organizes and carries out many LMTV (Long and Mid Term volunteering), Group volunteering, International workcamps, and many other projects whole the year. This training is conducted focusing on the projects which will be carried out during summer (July, August, and September). The main aim of the training was to prepare local volunteers/youths to work together with international volunteers, develop the leadership and develop the concept of volunteerism.

The training also focused on many leadership development contents. It started with Introduction about the Organization (VIN) and workcamp /voluntary movement, the background of volunteerism/the concept of voluntary service, LTV/MTV/STV/Workcamp (difference between them), background information on the other volunteers coming for the project. (International volunteers exchange) and challenges that communities face in the development -social problems. The activities followed with the leadership, leader /different style of leadership, communication skills/relation between co-leaders and volunteers, cultural awareness/values/intercultural learning/ gender issues, group dynamics/team building, conflict resolution, facilitation and time management skills, health, safety and security/First aids, the responsibility of the workcamp volunteers/ leaders, how to organize a social programme/study theme/workcamp games etc., methods of evaluation reflection and evaluation techniques/meetings and Information of VIN’s project- project, site, duration, objectives, activities etc. At last the roles of the volunteers/leaders and their projects were assigned.
The sessions were conducted on practical basis, games and activities. VIN’s volunteer Manager- Dinesh Khatiwada, Program Manager- Dr. Laxmi Prasad Ghimire, Volunteer coordinators- Diwakar Shrestha and Subhkesya Singh and Women Empowerment Officer- Luna Khatiwada facilitated the sessions.