Dec 5 was celebrated as a Female Community Health Volunteer (FCHV) day in Nepal. Nepal government has forwarded message to all community health centers to celebrate the day. Jitpurphedi health post has managed to celebrate the event on 13th December. All FCHVs were invited in the program. The program was organized by Jitpurphedi health post and chief guest was Dr Laxmi Prasad Ghimire from Volunteers Initiative Nepal. Other were VIN volunteer Jolande, Health post staffs, president and other members of health post management committee.
The program was hosted by Health post in charge Mr Lila singh Khatri. It was designed to discuss about the contributions from FCHVs in health service providing to the communities. It was also discussed about the challenges for FCHVs. Most of them said that they are happy to work as a health volunteer but they have many challenges. They are working for free and they have to manage their living as well. They were expecting incentives from health centres. Sometimes they are run out of medicines and difficult for them to get it on time. They want some more basic trainings about health and were expecting refresher trainings as well.
Two best FCHVs were awarded based on their performance. They were granted with 1000 NRS each. Dr Laxmi remember the contribution did by FCHVs. He explained the important of FCHV in Nepal health system who has a great contribution to reduce child and maternal mortality rate in country health status. He appreciated FCHVs work and ask them to continue it in future. He remember the health activities initiated by VIN through public health and medical care program in Jitpurphedi community and involvement of FCHVs in the program. VIN has provided basic health training, first aid training and disaster management training to FCHVs. They are always involved in VIN’s community health activities. He also ensured that VIN is always ready to work with FCHVs and their welfare. Ward secretary and president of Health post management committee Mr.Hari Krishna Aryal gave thanks to all FCHVs for their great contribution for the strengthen of health system in Jitpurphedi. He shared that it is controversy to provide incentives to FCHVs but he will discuss about it on management committee.
At the end of the program all FCHVs were offered Red Tika on their forehead. All guests and participants wished FCHVs for their future.
VIN like to wish best of luck to FCHVs from Jitpurphedi and all over the country.

Thank you