17th March: Volunteers Initiative Nepal is continuously supporting children’s club to in jitpurphedi community. VIN has directly and indirectly helped, directed and provided various trainings to these children’s club. Similarly, on 13th and 14th of March, management training was provided to the members of Rastria Namuna child club and Tarkeshwor children’s club in Jitpurphedi.
The training was focused on refreshing prior given training and to further efficiently manage a children’s club. There was involvement of 26 members from the children’s club. Training was mainly focused on the following subject matters such as Introduction, Rational of CC, Forming CC, Roles and responsibilities of CC members, Conducting meeting, Writing minutes, Wall magazine publication, Communication skills, Resource Mapping, Fund Raising, Account keeping, Making plans, Library Management, possible work on CC and Role of facilitator’s teacher .
Training was organized for 4 hours, during when . The executive members discussed various challenges that children club has faced along with possible solutions. They further discussed on various activities which children’s club has organized till date. The members were very definite to implement their learning for advancement of children’s club. These kinds of trainings revitalize and refresh the executive members.
VIN’s children development project is designed to protect child right, to encourage their creativity. You can get involved in various projects such as children’s Life skill facilitation, childcare: orphanage home, early childhood Education, and working for street children. We warmly welcome you to be part of VIN’s children development program.