Inclusive education from theory to practice: Disaster management and rescue training
Volunteers initiative Nepal has been working for the disaster management and relief project after the earthquake in the working community. With the objective of giving Inclusive Adventure Education from theory to practice to youth, 38 youth were collected from three local communities of Nepal namely Jitpur, Kavresthali and Kapan with the aim of providing them adventurous education on Disaster management and Rescue. The programme was conducted for three days, 27th 28th and 29th of April 2019. On analyzing the geographical and topography of country Nepal, the topic Disaster management and Rescue was Choosen. Lately, Nepal has been experiencing various disasters like floods, earthquakes, landslides, lightining, storm thus the people here have to be aware regarding disaster management and the ways to reduce the effects of disaster. Hence, by analyzing the importance of giving education on disaster management which is regarded as adventurous, we managed to give adventure education on topic Disaster Management and Rescue with the help of Volunteers Initiative Nepal ¬(VIN) and with our participants in Bulgaria.

Disaster management is a challenging tasks thus considered as adventurous too. The geographical condition of Nepal and the climatic change of the world have brought up many disasters in the country as well as are very prone to other disaster in near future as well. Thereby, linking adventure education with disaster and its management youths were focused to participate in Inclusive Adventure Education, from Theory to Practice. Lectures, Group Discussion, Presentation, Games, and Demosntration were done to enhance the knowledge of participants. 4 different tasks (Group Discussion, save the egg, Climb the rope, Escape the fire) were given to the youth participants to uplift their practical knowledge. Necessary equipments were provided before hand. After completion of each task discussion was done in between the groups and individually.
The programme helped the youth to gain knowledge regarding adventure education. They were given practical education on disaster management. The youth were made capable of rescuing victims during the disaster. The major achievements in this programe would be formation of the capable youth team among the participants and mobilizing them in near future if in need.