Public health and medical care project volunteers conducted health talks at schools in Jitpur. Under the school health project it was planned to conduct health talks on Communicable diseases in 8 schools. Nagarjun Thulagaun School; a school situated up in the hill in Jitpur V.D.C with school children less familiar about the communicable diseases and how the basic components like food, air and water can create a huge impact on health. This was the first school among five others which were selected to conduct sessions and health camps regarding communicable diseases. To make the school children realize the importance of healthy practices, hygiene and sanitation, Jeske, an international volunteer from the Netherlands and Swastika, a local facilitator from VIN conducted sessions which included health talks, presentations with different pictures that illustrated different groups of communicable diseases and posters display to provide detailed information about diseases to the students.
The sessions were conducted with primary objective to educate the students about the communicable diseases such as; air borne diseases, water borne diseases, food borne diseases, blood borne diseases and vector borne diseases and to make them aware of the factors causing the diseases and teaching them ways to prevent from it. 107 students from class 4 to 8 participated in the sessions. The sessions were conducted for two days (9th-10th September, 2014).
The children were found enthusiastic about the sessions. It was found that 107 children were benefited from the sessions. From the feedback it was found that the sessions were really effective. The focus was on food borne diseases, water borne diseases and air borne diseases on the primary level and blooborne diseases and vector borne diseases on the secondary level. The students were interactive and willing to learn more about the preventive measures of those communicable diseases. A quiz was held the end of every session to examine the understanding of the students, in which the students participated enthusiastically and also performed really well.
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