About 100 senior citizens above 80 years old are getting benefit from the “Geriatric health care program” organized by Tarkeswore municipality ward office -2 in coordination with Kavresthali health post, Urban health clinic Tarkeswore municipality and Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN). The program is started on 19th Jan, 2019. It will be conducted two more days on 21st and 26th of the month throughout Kavresthali. The program is basically to serve home visit medical consultation for senior citizens. They were provided a Thermos (to keep warm water) and a bottle of “Chyawanprash” (nutrient supply) along with medical service.
The program is funded by Tarkeswore municipality ward office 2 and technical support are provided by VIN and Health centers in Kavresthali. The local people and senior citizens appreciated the program. They were happy to receive the service. It was diagnosed high blood pressure among 3 senior citizens on Saturday, who were prescribed anti-hypertensive medicine, counsel for low diet and cessation of smoking. They are referred to hospital for further consultation.
VIN along with organizing committee have expected that the service would support the area to being a healthy community. We would like to thanks all the participants and beneficiaries of the program.