Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) conducted a training on: Leadership development: A leadership training to community stakeholders and youths, from 19 to 22 February 2019 for four days. The training was a part of of SuDHAV 2 project of European Aid Volunteer Initiative. The training was targeted to VIN’s working community- Okhaldhunga.
VIN’s Okhaldhunga Project site is on South-East part from the district headquarter, Okhaldhunga. VIN works in ward 1 and 2 of Siddhicharan Municipality and ward 6 of Chisankhugadi rural municipality. The area is back ward in term of development like transportation, communication, electricity, health service, education etc. VIN works closely with the people of the local community through women empower, children development, disaster risk reduction, public health and medical care, youth empowerment and environment and conversation. The people are needy in terms of education and exposure as they have almost no opportunity and access of those.

This projects aimed to provide soft skill training to the stakeholders. There were 21 total stakeholders/youths from those three community sites.
This training started with Introduction about the Organization (VIN) and information of SuDHAV 2 and EUAV, background of volunteerism/the concept of voluntary service/voluntary movement, challenges that communities face in the development, social problems and what we can do to solve the problems. The other content included were disaster preparedness education, the leadership, leader /different style of leadership, communication skills, cultural awareness/values/intercultural learning, planning, group dynamics/team building/work, conflict resolution, facilitation and time management skills and basic first aids training.
On the last day of the training an interaction with Municipality and government leaders was organized where the participants took part actively to explore the opportunities the youths will get from local government. In the experience sharing, participants said that they had such an opportunity to learn the skills which would apply in their day to day life. “I am very much thankful to VIN where I learnt many things which I never had opportunity before. I don’t know how we passed these four days, playing and learning. I never forget these days.” Said one of the participants.
A closing ceremony was organized inviting the people from different sectors. The ward chairpersons of Municipality 1 and 2, Local head teachers, the officers of municipality and local leaders and community people were present in the ceremony. Mr. Mohan Shrestha, the Mayer of Siddhicharan municipality was the chief guest in the ceremony.
The training was concluded providing the certificate to all the participants from the trainer and the chief guest of the closing ceremony.