The devastating earthquake of 25th April, 2016 turned everything into rubble. The communities where VIN has been implementing its programs were also having problems because of the earthquake. Even after a year, people are not still able to live in a proper shelter and VIN is helping them to settle in a proper shelter. For this, VIN recently got involved in the house cleaning program.
This house cleaning program was designed for those victims of the earthquake whose house was partially destroyed. So, the first thing VIN did was clean up the rubble. The earthquake affected houses of Thulagaun were cleared up from the rubble so that it becomes easier to restructure those houses. Last week VIN had cleaned the houses of two families who could not afford to clean up in their own because of their poor economic status. Families of Bhagwati Phuyal and Pampha Phuyal were helped to clean up their house and prepare a proper settlement for them.
VIN could not have been able to conduct this house clean-up campaign without the help of its volunteers. International volunteers from Belgium, USA and France and local volunteers were involved in the campaign. The major objective of the house clean-up campaign of the earthquake affected house was to support the family to set up the permanent shelter for themselves. Besides, the campaign also aimed to prepare place for new house building for moving from temporary make shift.
The campaign was conducted first by identifying the need of the affected families. Later VIN conducted a meeting with the locals on how to carry on the campaign. With the conclusion of the meeting, a schedule was prepared and the work was implemented accordingly. The campaign involved separating stones, woods and muds from the rubble. Until now VIN has been able to completely clean up two houses. VIN provided labor support worth rupees 1,00,000 by mobilizing both local and international volunteers.