On 7th December, 2015 Jitpurphedi Women Agriculture Co-operative Limited conducted co-operative management refresher training with active participation of all the members. The training was conducted at the cooperative office in Tinpipple. The main objectives of this training was to discuss the philosophy/principles of co-operative, roles and duties of board members and other committee, to update of 2071/72 accounting system of financial activities. This training session was facilitated by role play method.
During the training session the participants discussed about the co-operative principles like; democratic control, financial/economic partnership, open membership, education training and information, co-operation between co-operative, concern toward community and self-governed/freedom. The training was focused on the main role and responsibilities of presidents and how to conduct the meeting and effective handling of other roles and co-ordinate with other organization. Further, various roles of loan committee and account committee for co-operative management was discussed. Participants realized that they have to focus more to improve their roles and responsibilities. They were determined to continue this type of informative classes in future. They advised to provide education to other co-operative members as well. The feedback from the participants were very useful for the improvement.