Volunteers Initiative Nepal, Okhaldhunga has been renovating schools and constructing toilets in schools in three VDC Taluwa, Thulachhap and Bhadaure, which were destroyed by Earthquake.So far 5 schools have been renovated. The schools were selected based on damaged and number of students in schools. The selected schools were Karkaladevi Low. Secondary school Taluwa, Kalika Primary school, Bhoje Bhadaure -7, Tejmaya Primary school, Bhadaure-1, Nav Prativa Primary school Bhadaure-8, Sapta Kanya Lower Secondary school ,Taluwa-8 and toilets of Kadeni Sec. school, thulacchap -5 and Chhatra pragati sec. school ,Bhadaure-9. The schools were selected form field research of all schools. The damaged data was collected and reviewed. Before construction work began the project was coordinated with district education office and management committee of the schools. The local skilled manpower were recruited and they were trained on constructing earthquake resistant building. They were provided all the information and exposed to demonstration camp.
VIN has been implementing community development projects in Okhaldhunga districts since 2012. It started working in Taluwa VDC in the beginning. During the time of three years it has extended the area to other two VDCs. The major projects in Okhaldhunga are early childhood development, teacher development, Water sanitation and hygiene, health campaigns, women’s empowerment, youth development and environment. About 15000 people have benefited from VIN’s projects. VIN has supported communities with relief projects after earthquake in Nepal. It has supported through rapid response, rehabilitation and reconstruction package. At this time VIN is focused on reconstruction and supporting communities through WASH and renovation projects. The schools renovation has been already done and for now it has been constructing toilets for 100 families.
It was found that after earthquake in Nepal on 25th April, 2015, communities were badly damaged. Houses and schools were cracked and went down. People were badly affected by mental, physical and social aspects. Children were found demoralized and in many communities they were afraid and depressed. There were no schools and they were doing nothing, which has supported to worsen their mental health. VIN found it was urgent to start the schools and provide opportunity to children to go to schools. After then the school renovation project was developed. VIN supported all materials and labor cost for the project.
It is found that 5 schools from 3 VDCs and 5 toilets from different schools has been built in Okhaldhunga districts. The project has supported more than 700 children. It has ensured children opportunity to go to schools. Schools management committee, teachers and children were happy to get this support.