Stop Climate Change Campaign- Tree Plantation
We conducted a week-long tree plantation program at Taluwa, Thulachhap, and Bhadaure of Okhaldhunga district from the 7th of July 2021. We have been conducting various activities to help Stop the Climate Change Campaign for the past many years. This year we planted 2500 trees – 1,000 Chiuri, 300 Bay leaf (Tej Patta), 200 Mulberry (Kimbu), and 1000 Badahar. They all have multiple benefits to the farmers.
The project was done by mobilizing the local women’s group in the area. The Stop Climate Change Campaign is done under VIN’s Environment Conservation Program. The main goal of this project is sustainable livelihood and food production of the people in the area.
The project also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) no. 3 – Good health, 8 – Good job & economic growth, 13 – Protect the planet, and 15- Lives on land.
Procedures of Tree Plantation:
First, we collected the plants from various locations. We then prepared a list of interested farmers who would want these plants. Then, we invited them to the community learning center (CLC), and other locations and delivered a short information session for the local people on the importance of trees and plantation techniques. Then the tree plantations were handed to the farmers.
We were compliant with COVID-19 safety protocols maintaining social distancing, and using masks and sanitizer during the orientation session. The program was conducted in the presence of local municipality representatives.
Overall, it was an effective program. All the participants showed their interest and engaged actively. The project benefits over 6000 populations in the area. We have maintained the farmers’ database and we will also monitor the growth of the plants and will post updates from time to time. To read more about our environment conservation program, click here