“To develop women as entrepreneurs through income generating initiative” based on this objective, Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) has been implementing entrepreneurship development project in different community of Kathmandu, Nuwakot and Okhaldhunga. Meanwhile VIN has conducted income generating; soap product planning meeting in Tarkeshwor Municipality-3 Thumka, Jitpurphedi.
In this area, VIN has been conducting two days of body soap making training for nine women from different women groups. After the training, they are involved in a small group and are making plan to continue this soap making business. The Jitpurphedi community is one of the communities that have the potential for business expansion by women co-operative. Because there is already a well-known women’s co-operative, which enables its members to borrow money for the purpose of business. The group of women has seen the potentialities that a business can offer them and have decided to put effort and dedicate part of their time to develop this project. It was amazing to watch these women making plans together for producing body soap. In this period the group produced just a little quantity of soap, so they decided to distribute it among the members, instead of selling. The creation of women networks and the establishment of a business isn’t enough to make it works. There is also the need to provide them theoretical knowledge that helps women for proper management of the business and sell out the product.
Women are happy from VIN’s support to develop women entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship development project. They will be more pleased from the VIN’s roles to run the women group meetings for making project sustainable. So VIN should give more attention to run entrepreneurship development training in community.
(Women Empowerment Officer, Volunteers Initiative Nepal)