VIN has been supporting to empower women from 2007 by providing different types of activities. In this context, the yoga class is also one of the empowering activities which are related to women’s and children’s health. On 19 June 2019, Wednesday VIN volunteer Jelena from Croatia started yoga class in Thulagaun and view tower. She explained these terms; what is Yoga, what is Asana practice, what is Meditation and what is Pranayama.
The yoga classes started from 5 am to 6am in Thulagaun , 12 pm to 1pm at view tower and again the third class is at 5 pm to 6pm in same community, thulagaun. For the yoga class, students are coming from the first community to classes two times a day so their response toward yoga classes was very good, better than expected. In the afternoon the number of participants is not that big as in the morning, but still there were at least 4-5 students. They seemed interested in yoga, although the postures were not easy but they were trying hard. They really enjoyed the classes because they laugh and they always tell us good that at the end of the class they are happy and relaxed. These classes were very beneficial for them and they did continuous practice for a long time. They have been taught: kapalabhati, bastrika, bramari, nadishodna . After pranayama techniques we usually do either Hatha Surya Namaskar or we go straight to some standing asanas such as warrior 1 and 2, triangle pose, some balancing poses like tree pose, warrior three, half-moon pose, etc… then again we come back to sit on the floor to cool down with hip openers such as lizard pose, pigeon pose, then do some chest opening like camel pose and finish with inversions like shoulder stand. We are finishing with Shavasana the relaxation pose. The singing bowl is used there to make the experience more relaxing. Finally we all came in seated position and closed the class with chanting OM and 3 times Shanti.