VIN has been providing Women’s Empowerment activities in the Jitpurphedi community. One international volunteer and one local volunteer have been conducting classes for women in the Jitpur,Gairigaun and Thulagaun. It has been and will continue to offer education and life skills training to women’s groups in the Tarkeshore Municipality 7 and 8. The main objectives of these life skill training to women is to engage them in the discussion of topics such as Healthy Relationships and Domestic Violence to create space to address these problems within the community, to speak of them openly, and to provide the women resources which they can access if they experience abuse in their homes and community. Classes that are being conducted include awareness lessons on women’s rights, healthy relationships, and domestic violence prevention and stress management. Life skill training to women includes assertive communication, self-esteem developments, and goal setting lessons as well.
Classes that will be taught in the future will include Public Speaking Skills as well within the life skill training to women. This lesson will help train the participants in building confident that will allow ease when addressing large groups of people, as well as provide technical tips to ensure their address is clear and professional. Activities and practice in public speaking skills, ideally, will women to develop their status and voice within and beyond her community. These skills may also be useful as entrepreneurship training – the skill to confidently stand and introduce themselves at a meeting is a step towards a women’s empowerment.