Total 102 teachers were trained through four days Teacher’s conference organized by Volunteer Initiative Nepal (VIN) and Limited Resource Teacher Training (LRTT) team in support of Nagarjun Municipality, People’s Academy and NPABSON at People’s Academy, Sitapaila in January 2018. There were 102 teachers from 44 different schools of Nagarjun Municipality benefitted from the training. They were trained by 24 LRTT fellows from different countries.
The main objective of this program was to train teachers on practical teaching learning methods. The training was conducted with different sessions such as visual, vocal and practical way of teaching e.g. playing games related to lesson, quiz games etc. Teachers are encouraged to make their own lesson plan. All the local teachers were very happy and satisfied to get this LRTT training and promised to apply practical teaching methods in their classrooms. It is proved by the views expressed by one of the participants “It was a great experience for me to have this training. I learnt the skills to make the class more effective in delivering the sessions. I hope all of us can utilize the skills in our classroom which will prove the benefits of this training.” Shambu Raj Sharma, one of the participants.
VIN has also conducted this teacher training with the help of LRTT team last year and working in cooperation with them for teacher training in Nepal.