Role at VIN:
Bhupi, as Founder President of VIN, makes decisions on behalf of the organisation. He creates new programs and formulates the planning accordingly. He represents VIN to its many constituents and stakeholders and is responsible for fundraising and developing networks VIN.
Academic qualifications:
Bhupi has completed his Master’s Degree in Education from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu.
Expertise and Experience:
Bhupi was a teacher and a school principal in Nepal for eight years. Before starting VIN, he worked with a British charity as a Programme Coordinator and Teacher Trainer and gained experience in community mobilisation and children’s development. Bhupi has trained thousands of overseas volunteers and Nepali teachers in TEFL and other subjects. He delivered dozens of workshops for teachers, School Management Committee members, Parent-Teacher Associations, Community Mobilisers and Children’s Clubs.
Bhupi has travelled extensively to develop VIN’s network – such as the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Spain, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Romania, Poland, the United States, Mexico, Argentina, India, Pakistan, Hong-kong, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Turkey, Russia UAE, Oman, Qatar, Armenia, South Korea, Uganda. He is also involved in several other organisations like Rotary International, life member of NELTA, ELTecs and Asian TEFL IATEFL.
Sebastian Bueno
Employee Experience Design | Organisational Development, Learning & Change | People & Digital Transformation
May 13, 2018, Sebastian reported directly to Bhupendra
One of the first things that catch your attention when you meet Bhupi, is that he is a visionary. In despite the economic, cultural and political situation of Nepal, Bhupi is someone who thinks always in possibilities and that you could make things better for communities if you put your effort and heart to it. He started as a teacher but now due his passion and dedication has reached the executive director position in one of the most important NGOs in Nepal, managing 20+ employees and over 700 international volunteers a year. He is fully aware of the scaling and growth process that the organisation has experienced during the last 2-3 years, and also of all the challenges that this growth period involves, and he is doing his best to make the most of the people he has in the team, and also personally trying to question the way things are done to improve and having always a continuos learning mindset to improve himself as a leader of the organisation.
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Laurence Jennings
Marketing expert and business leader helping UK businesses grow with highly effective digital marketing at Lorentium
October 15, 2015, Laurence reported directly to Bhupendra
I volunteered for Bhupi’s organisation (VIN) in Nepal, 2010. Bhupi is a very kind and generous character with a true passion to deliver positive change to impoverished communities in the rural areas outside Kathmandu. He is a great leader, teacher and very professional manager of the charity. I would highly recommend Bhupi, VIN and volunteering in Nepal any day.
Elliott Verreault
Helping public & private organizations thrive in uncertainty
October 21, 2011, Elliott worked with Bhupendra but at different companies
Bhupendra is a brilliant team leader. I very much enjoyed working for his organisation in Nepal last year. He has a powerful vision for integrated development in Nepal and it’s a joy to work with him at materializing that vision.
Maxwell Sykes
Climate and Energy Manager at City of Surrey
September 18, 2011, Bhupendra was senior to Maxwell but didn’t manage directly
Bhupendra is a vision-driven, task-oriented individual with a passion to improve the conditions of people in Nepal. He works tirelessly to help children, families and entire villages raise their standard of living, get an education and in cases of need help lead a healthy, normal life. Bhupendra connected myself and other passionate individuals from around the world with people and programs he knew would benefit from attention, leadership or simply a new perspective. He is open-minded and eager to listen to others’ perspectives on how to improve his organization and the programs it supports while remaining pragmatic about what it takes to accomplish objectives. He does this all with a permanent grin and an open heart. Despite not seeing him since my time in Nepal, I continue to be inspired by who he is and what he’s working so hard to achieve.
Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz, Ph.D.
Research Fellow at Cambridge
August 16, 2011, Nicole was a client of Bhupendra’s
I am immensely grateful to Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) for granting me the opportunity to work with an organization of such rare commitment and optimism, and to do so toward such a noble vision. The organization’s work has been very transformative for some of Nepal’s most marginalized communities. My experience in Nepal and with VIN was invaluable. VIN’s bare-boned simplicity, both in structure and vision, as well as VIN’s specific and important mission, distinguish VIN from other non-profit and volunteering organizations. VIN’s presence and work are very much needed in Nepal, and VIN’s grassroots organization and lack of bureaucracy make it a fantastic organization with which to be involved. I greatly admire VIN and its founder, Bhupendra, and recommend them both without reservation.
Kerim Bora
owner at Kerim Bora Atelier
August 11, 2011, Kerim worked with Bhupendra but at different companies
At the time I had worked with Bhupendra in Nepal, I was simply impressed with his quality of perception, organizational ability and also his reliability. He is one of the unique professionals that we have not easily come across with anymore. I highly recommend him and also VIN to whom it will need some professional help in Nepal.
James Kirk
Director Resourcing, USA and Latin America at Thales
August 11, 2011, James reported directly to Bhupendra
I had the pleasure of working with Bhupendra during my time at VIN and found him to be an inpirational leader and someone that truly cares about helping marginalised people/communities. Through his work I know that he has already helped to make a significant improvement to many peoples lives and I hope that Bhupi and the rest of the VIN team continue to do so for many years to come! Namaste 🙂
Susan Greenwald
August 11, 2011, Bhupendra worked with Susan in the same group
Bhupi is an exceptional leader and visionary. VIN is, by far, a leading NGO in Nepal, this due, in large part, to Bhupi’s steadfast dedication. With a sense of humor, and commitment to the betterment of the people of Nepal, Bhupi oversees the organization of volunteers from around the globe. Bhupi’s vision and work with the international volunteers has definitively changed the landscape of communities in Nepal, as well that of global volunteering programs. It is with great pleasure, that I recommend Bhupendra.