Such a contrasting culture, diet, weather and lifestyle it took my mind and body several days to adjust. Allowing the beauty of the country and people to shine through.
A humbling experience to have a financially poor family welcome you into their home with respect and pride. Yet materially deficient within my world they have richness of a simple happy fulfilled family home.
Cold washes, monotonous diet and flies become insignificant as the wealth of knowledge on basic survival engulf me.
I play with young children at ECD (Early Childhood Development) amazed at what they know for their age.Subtly introducing western teaching ideasand concepts. Working alongside talented treachers to develop a more fun approach to learning.
The resources I bought with me help each days work so does knowing I have supported the injection of money into a full development programme for the area.
I qm not sure who gains the most? The local population for financial and with many skilled workers alongside them or my experience gained living within a family home as if it were 200 years ago, visiting world heritage cultural sites in the city, travelling on excursions across Nepal or bargaining in the city shops for gifts to take home.
An overwhelming experience and a journey worth every penny.

Name: | Amba Harbour |
Country: | UK |
Project Name: | Early Childhood Education |
Project Category: | Children Development Program |
Join Date: | 01/07/2014 |
End Date: | 14/07/2014 |