Living and working in a Monastery teaching English to the young lamas (aged between 9 and 18) is something I could not have prepared for. It is, however the best thing I have ever done in my life. This job is suited to anyone who loves children. But my goodness, be aware of the emotional attachments you will make. These children are individual, funny, kind, generous, loud and just simply beautiful. Living, eating and playing with the children has given me insight into the simplicity of life. I’ve learnt that children can make a toy out of anything and games from nothing. In my free time I would sit in the sun and the curious children would often sit with me, play hand games, chat and smile. They are wonderful, full of energy and the happiest souls you will ever meet. Teaching them was a challenge; they are not like western children at all. VIN gave me a wonderful induction into Nepali culture, Monastery culture and some language tips. This was the best thing I needed.
Other things you need to live and to teach in a Monastery: a roll of toilet paper, a pencil sharpener (always), spare pens, the ability to teach sustainable non-resource reliant learning activities, patience and flexibility (and a lot of both: these lamas have a different culture that must be respected and adhered to – we’re not here to change anyone), acceptance that there will be no electricity sometimes, the ability to dive into full immersion of their way of life and their routines, a camera (to remember them by – plus they LOVE having their photos taken), warm clothes (especially in winter), a smile (because you will receive these in plenty fold and should be ready to return these gifts, an open heart (that will nearly burst after being here) and finally love. You cannot give nor receive enough of this. In this aspect, the children are especially generous.
The classes will be loud, the children are full of jumping beans, but when you give them boundaries and good interesting activities you will have a beautiful class, a beautiful time and like me, you won’t want to ever leave.

Name: | Anna Nardi |
Country: | Australia |
Project Name: | Teaching English in Buddhist Monastery |
Project Category: | Teaching Program |
Join Date: | 01/12/2013 |
End Date: | 08/01/2014 |