My name is Christian Thorup-Binger and I am studying for a professional bachelor degree in Denmark called Emergency, Risk and Disaster management. The educations curriculum is equally divided between theoretical and practical hands-on learning, which gives the opportunity to be interns in different humanitarian organization, which is the reason why I have been at VIN.
I heard about VIN during a presentation fo the founders, Bhupendrar Ghimire, gave at our university, and I linked the way they worked- having a holistic approach towards helping rural communities in Nepal.
During my internship, I wanted to divide my time between office and practical wrok, which VIN gave me the opportunity to do. So half of the time I worked with improving sanitation and basic health- re:toilet construction- in the community VIN works in, Jipurphedi. Especially the sanitation work I found very rewarding because you could see the day by day progress.
The most amazing thing I experienced during my stay in Nepal, was the hospitality and generousness of the local families, which I had the opportunity to help.
I wouldn’t say that this experience has been life changing; as I think it is a hollow sentence. But it has defiantly been an enriching experience, which I would recommend to everybody wanting to improve the quality of life for others. You give a bit of your time, but the rewards and friendships you make during your stay, make up for it ten folds.
Learning to work in a different culture with another language has been a challenge, but nothing you can’t overcome if you look at challenges in an initiative and easy going way.
The professionalism and competence with a hit of fun, the employees at VIN have in their daily work, I will take with me as an asset, and I wouldn’t have been without this experience.