“I am a working Women that raises two children. For me it’s emotionally easy but financially hard”, says Sarita Bk.
Sarita Bk is working women from Kavresthali, who financially supports her family. She has been involved with VIN for one year. With the immense skills of making accessories from beads, she is president of “Ghatte Khola Women Group”.
She was involved in a training program organized by VIN. She proudly stated that the 15 days long program was an icing on top for her skills, which made her more confident about her and her work. During this training period, VIN paid 15000 NPR rewarding her spirit to work. She also volunteered extra days to be helpful for other women that were involved with her in the project. She has been in the business of making accessories for 20 years and says she earn average money and has kept her skill of making beads accessories as her side business.
She works in a hospital as a hospital cleaner which is her main source of employment to be financially strong and only makes beads accessories according to the order she receives. The major problem that Sarita BK faces is the marketing of her product to reach to a profitable market. VIN has been providing opportunities to establish her group that is positively working for their business of beads accessories. However, there is a need for more market exposure to the women project that is established.
-Luna Khatiwada (Women Empowerment Officer)