We conducted the Final evaluation meeting of CLICK –Improving Access to Digital Literacy for Young People, in Nepal between 24th to 28th of September 2015. The project was funded by European Commission in the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme – Capacity building in the field of youths.
The hosting organization, Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) arranged the Final evaluation meeting.
ICT and digital literacy increasingly become relevant in a rapidly digitizing global market. On one hand, Europe is in the midst of digitizing its own market to catch up to global trends, with strong backing from European Union policy that has created the Digital Agenda of Europe (DAE). On the other hand, Asia is growing and offering more possibilities in technology, entrepreneurship and digital competence. Both regions are rich in experience, knowledge resource, and opportunities to share with each other.
CLICK aspired to create a conducive environment where ideas, learning, and competences were explored. What it offered were two things: 1) a competitive advantage and opportunity for the youth to penetrate the global market; and 2) new jobs, markets, and possibilities to explore either as budding digital experts or entrepreneurs.
The project was comprised of a line-up of activities that enhanced the capacity of youth workers and young people in ICT competence and digital literacy to promote employment and entrepreneurship. It aimed to address the needs of both youth workers and young people through capacity building for youth workers, capacity building for young people, and application and demonstration. It featured an ICT Trainers’ Training and a Europe-Asia Youth Hackathon Exchange where young people developed their own ICT-based solutions to address problems in youth unemployment and entrepreneurship.
The meeting evaluated the five different events implemented under this project.
Activity 1: Partnership Building Seminar (PBS) (January 2015- Poland)
Activity 2: ICT Trainers’ Training (January 2015- Poland)
Activity 3: Job-Shadowing Activity
Activity 4: Europe-Asia Youth Hackathon Challenge (August 2015 Philippines)
Activity 5: Evaluation Meeting (September 2015 Nepal)
The 18 participants participated from 7 partner organizations who were Volunteers Initiative Nepal (Nepal), Innovative Institute (Poland), Innovative Teachers Association (Spain), AfyonKocatepe University Bolvadin School of Applied Sciences (Turkey), Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly (Philippines), Lanka Youth Organization Network (Sri Lanka) and SJ Vietnam (Vietnam).
The participant members discussed about all the successful activities and the challenges faced in the project. Some challenges were, visa process, timing of the project and cultural differences. In overall, the meeting concluded with the thanks remarks to the organizers and all the partners for making the project successful.